Hema’s Protocols
I tend to modify and adapt a lot of preexisting methods for my projects. This is a repository for me, but might be helpful for you too.
Parafilm Method for Probe incubation
Useful for small volumes on coverslips. Can be applied to any cell biochemistry technique like ImmunoCytoChemistry, Expansion Miscroscopy, or Fluorescence in-situ Hybridization (FisH).
Designing probes for Fluorescence in-situ Hybridization
You could always order them, but sometimes it’s better to customize your own fluorophores
Glyoxal FiSH
The most updated protocol from my MS thesis. Useful for identifying inducible granules.
Oligonucleotides for PCR
Useful for remembering how to get your forward and reverse primers, with an example of GAPDH cDNA
Maxiprep precultures
Works with any Maxiprep (or midiprep) kit to grow bacterial cultures prior to lysing. Useful for high-yield of plasmids.
Taking real-time notes when imaging
I constantly switch through different microscope facilities, and not all of them have easy access to wifi. Instead I generate a .txt file for each session and make notes as I go. This helps future-me and collaborators know the image metadata without having to open the huge files.